Nestorian Infestation #28

Two new additions for my Genestealer cult!

In a heavy period of Nestorian Infestation, hope you dont mind!

The Hive Mind has assimilated that their shooting leaves something to be desired..

Heavily modified cultist with a bio weapon.

A gun-fex or something like that? I dunno..any good ideas for name?


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7 thoughts on “Nestorian Infestation #28

  1. Wudugast says:

    Love the acolyte hybrid – great idea for expanding the skull and more fuel for my own inevitable plunge into the hive mind’s embrace. As for the beastie I certainly wasn’t expecting that when I scrolled down – but I like it a lot. Again the little human face adds a really strong element of horror to it.

  2. templeofthutmos says:

    First, awesome couple of minis! Great use of bits and greenstuff.

    Second, some random spitball names: plasmafex, gun horror, brood sentry/brood guard, gun brother, (insert first name) the Crawling Cannon.

  3. Alex says:

    Cool! Nice idea to give the hybrid a bio-weapon mate, it really does suit him well. Loving the guntipede 🙂

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